Someone asked for a tutorial about dotted lines. You should be able to do some using this tutorial and this other one I made about brushes, but sometimes a simple example is nice to get a good approach to a board subject.
Quelqu'un m'a demande un tuto sur les points et les traits. Vous devriez pouvoir vous debrouiller avec ce tuto-ci et puis celui-la , mais parfois expliquer un point de detail est une bonne facon d'aborder un sujet plus large, alors voici. Ce tuto est en Anglais, mais vous trouverez la traduction ICI.
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First of all. As in geometry, a Photoshop line is composed of a multitude of points. If the space between points is short or non-existent, then the line will be continuous. The first thing to do to understand this is to open the brushes window and create a brush with a spacing superior to 100% (look for: brush tip shape, spacing). See? Dots.
Then you will want some more fancy dots, maybe create a line that looks like stitches or suggest the flight of a bumblebee.
For this, you will need to draw a picture of a stitch, like this:
Or a simple rectangle, like this:
Make a rectangular selection of your point/stich/rectangle, and then do Edit>define brush preset. It works better if your point is an horizontal shape.
Then you need to open the Brushes window. Go to the "brush tip shape" tab. Select your new brush preset.
Define the spacing. Save the brush. Try the brush.
It doesn't work. It looks like this.
And you want it like that.
Go to the brushes window, click the shape dynamics tab, and choose Angle Jitter , 0%, with Control set to : Direction .
Et voila! You are now a happy bumble bee.
If you want to share your Photoshop brushes:
1. Make sure they are saved in the library :
in the brush tool, right click then save. The "save" icon looks like this :
2. Then open Edit>Preset manager
3. Use the command ⌘ key, select the brushes you want to save as a set.
4. Click the "save set " button, save an .abr file
5. Upload to your favourite server. You may have to zip it.
6.Put a link on your blog, and share the fun!
Here's a set of flying piggies for you to enjoy : remember, if you manage to accomplish 6 impossible things before breakfast, pigs will fly!
This set is for personal use only, no commercial use, no redistribution, no no no. Put a link to this post if you liked them!
A l'intention des artistes cros gentils qui veulent partager leurs nouvelles brosses, voici comment faire, avec mes excuses, je n'ai pas Photoshop en Français. Cliquez ici pour la traduction!
If you have an older version of Photoshop and are not able to use my CS3 brushes, you can use this picture with my first brush tutorial, and then learn to parameter your brushes with this other tutorial about Photoshop Brushes. These images are free to use for non commercial projects, please draw your own brushes if you want to sell your pictures!
Des petits details en plus. Pour ceux qui on une version ancienne de Photoshop et qui n'arrivent pas a utiliser mes brosses CS3 :
-Utilisez mon premier tutorial sur les brosses , en selectionnant la fleur qui vous interesse dans cette image:
Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser mon autre tutorial sur les brosses pour les parametrer. J'ai note que la personne absolument vertueuse qui conchie les copieurs avait aussi utilise mes petits pois, alors je vous les ai rajoutes comme ca y'a pas de jaloux. J'ai explique autrefois a cette personne comment faire du dore sur Photoshop, je crois qu'elle a besoin de se rafraichir la memoire alors je vous ferais bientot un tuto aussi. :)
Usage non commercial ( dessinez vos propres fleurs si vous voulez faire un usage commercial), merci!
Pour la personne absolument adorable qui desire partager les siennes, je ferais un tuto la prochaine fois :)
Comme d'habitude, je vais avoir besoin de votre aide pour la traduction Francaise des termes Adobe? Merciii
I already made a tutorial about Photopaint, but this one is far more simple. Some people were not able to read the animation so I added a few pictures to help. Just click on the icons to see them.
For this tutorial you will need Photoshop ( any version ). You also need to be a bit of a Photoshop artist.
You also need to know how to use : layers, pattern stamp tool , and the filter average.
If you don't know how to, please check the Photoshop Help!
1.First of all, pick a photo. It's always easier with a large picture. Crop it if you like, but from now don't resize or crop it anymore.
2. Select> All , then Edit>Define Pattern.
3.Duplicate Background layer
4.Apply Filter>Blur>Average. This will fill your layer with one color. Make a nice background for your picture. This color is the mix of all the colors of your picture. If your picture is well balanced between light and dark and colors, you'll get a gray. Usually it's a brown. Don't worry about this. You will get a background color that will most likely fit your painting.
5.Make this layer a bit transparent until you can see the photo, but not too much or it will make your work uneasy.
6.Choose the pattern stamp tool. Use your photo as the pattern.Click on the arrow near the tiny icon representing the patterns to choose your photo from the library. Click the options : aligned, and impressionist.
7. Right click, pick a nice brush. The key thing is to use a brush with scattering . You can download here a brush I find fun to work with:
8. Create a new transparent layer.
9. Paint. Begin with a large brush and paint the shapes of you photo. Faces, house, tree etc. If it a portrait, define the surface of cheeks, hair, etc. It's messy, a bit gooey, don't worry. Follow with the brush the forms of the surface (as in : if it's round, make circle movements).
10. Use a smaller brush and paint details, following them more closely. At this point, getting tired of the process, I created a new layer under my painting layer and with the tool brush (not the pattern) and I painted a background with large strokes.Then, I came back to the paint layer.
11.Continue to paint with a smaller brush. Zoom, unzoom, look at the details closely. Hair and small lines like a baby mouth are hard to catch. Click on the visibility icon of your larger to check with the original photo under it from time to time. At this point, creating a group of your layers above the photo could be a good idea.
Tip: if you are afraid of loosing effects you like, create new layers each time you make a new step in details.
12.This is far the most difficult part. You need to be able to draw a bit.
Make the underground layer with only one color 100% visible. Then create a layer on top of your painting. Getting back to the brush tool, with a fine brush and picking the colors where necessary, define light in the eyes, repaint strokes of hair (painting flesh on it and redrawing if necessary) and all the tiny details you couldn't get. It won't be perfect. It won't look exactly like the picture. But it will look like something you've made, and this is good.
The key of this tutorial is to adapt painting technique to Photopaints. I learned Academic painting when I was a young student, and I've been taught 2 very important things:
-Going from generic to details. Structure is an important thing.
-Following perspective and shape with strokes.
Then I learned this all by myself: Have fun. If I don't, it's crap.
Et voila! Happy little bushes! I hope you will enjoy this technique. Try it for some scrapbooking!
(transparent screen with a twist, end)
If your screen is in front of a white wall and you don't want to move it to take a picture, follow these steps:
Download my whitewall texture ( a white wall has a texture. This one is for a white wall painted with a roll, approximatively 2.5 inches behind a flat screen)
A very interesting picture indeed.
You will need my birds too, or any picture on a transparent layer:
1.Open white.jpeg in Photoshop. Add a gradient layer, in multiply mode, to recreate the shadow on your wall ( there is always a shadow, if not there is too much light in your room, or not enough, go to the beach instead of working there, it's not good for your eyes).
2.Copy and paste my burds. Double clic on the layer. Add a drop shadow effect with a
opacity: corresponding to the density of the shadows on your wall
distance: corresponding to thedistance between your wall and the birds
size: corresponding of the way your shadows are blurred on your wall.
A shadow is always softer and lighter than you think.
et voila, instant transparent screen, just add water!
Here is the real result on Krysalia screen, far away in France when I'm in San Francisco. Thank you so much Krysalia. The result I shown yesterday was a simulation. It's so much fun to work with a friend you never met, I love blogging!
copyright del4yo & krysalia 2007
If you have a plain white wall behind your screen, don't bother make a picture, I'll show you what to do on my next post!
Desolee, pas de traduction francaise cette fois-ci, je n'ai pas trop le temps...
All images copyright del4yo & krysalia. Menus are from Photoshop CS3.
Today we will have a lot of fun, adding some quirky graphic birds with realistic shadows to a "transparent screen".
Please, please don't say " I can do this with the effects in Photoshop hahaha". First, not everybody has Photoshop and this tutorial can be applied to other graphic softwares if you are just a little bit clever (you will need layers, though). Then , there is no "perspective" option in the Photoshop effects and that's the interesting part.
1.First of all:
make a photo of what's behind your screen. (thanks, krysalia!)
crop the image to the portion corresponding to your screen.
3.Copy and paste this image (burds_make02.png) in a layer. Copy, move, etc. to your taste:
It's fun, but it would be more realistic with shadows matching the real ones. Let's do it!
4. duplicate this layer, then select layer 1. Lock the transparency of the layer1
5.Fill with black (d,x,⌘+delete key).
If the shadows in your room are blue, or brown, use a blue or a brown instead of black.
6. UNLOCK the layer. Use the blur filter, to match the way the shadows are blurred in your room. Notice that the more close an object is to a surface, the less blurred will be the shadow.
7.Play with the opacity of the layer until the shadows match the real ones.
8. Make the duplicated layer visible. Use the transform tool ( in the Edit menu) so the shadows will match the other shadows in your picture. Note the light direction and just follow it!
Et voila!
9. Use it as a desktop background . There is quirky birds behind your screen!
(This is a simulation)