My gouache sketchbook.

My gouache sketchbook,. ©Delphine Doreau 2020

Royalty Free Music from Bensound

A book for my friends

I have several sketch books in rotation, one to try things, a tiny one for my handbag, and this one “ the good sketchbook” the one for professional work and my best work, a lovely album my husband brought me from Paris as a gift, from the old store where I used to go when I was a teenager.

When I travel to visit my friends this is the kind of sketchbook I pack to share with them. They usually grab the book and there’s this awkward but happy moment when they go all silent as they flip the pages with a smile.
I designed this video so you could experience the same thing. Please grab a cup of tea and enjoy a quiet moment while you go trough it.

Some of these illustrations are already published, but if you’re interested, please click on this link : contact me
