
"Coloriage" is the French term for a page to color. I love this little word, it brings good memories. I was one of these very perfectionist little girls, my mother and grand-mother would happily indulge me with color books, and gush on my progresses. I come from a big family of uncles and brothers mostly, tall and kind and all of them very gifted, so it was a big moment for me. Colors are my thing since then. Do you have " your thing" too? 
I gave a friend who transmitted her lovely talent for sketching to her daughters, I think it's the sweetest thing ever. I find a bit sad that we have expressions like "skeletons in the closet" but not for talents transmitted in a family. There's "the apple didn't fall very far from the tree", but it doesn't express enough the happiness in it. 
 Anyway, for this color page, I put two examples, not models, and a big wreath. Please do as you please, choose the same color way, or something different but complementary, or go for contrasting colors. I sketched and cleaned the lines just I would do for a real illustration for one  of my books, so if you print this on good, strong paper, it should be quite satisfying to color.

Click on the picture to download a high resolution printable. Please respect my copyrights, enjoy!

On parle souvent des bienfaits du coloriage, zen ou je ne sais quoi d'autre...Pour ma part j'ai appris à mettre des couleurs ensemble comme ça, ce sont de bons souvenirs de petite fille sérieuse. C'est ma Mamette qui m'a appris à choisir des couleurs : tu mets tous tes feutres bien classés en arc-en-ciel, tu en choisis quelque-uns à coté les uns des autres, et un  de l'autre côté pour faire contraste. C'est facile et ça marche...En grandissant j'ai appris à choisir des palettes un peu plus complexes ou différentes, mais je reviens souvent à ce premier jeu. 

Pour ce coloriage là je vous ai nettoyé le dessin en haute def comme pour un dessin pro, alors click click au boulot! ( usage personnel seulement, et montrez-moi le résultat, j'adore voir!)