Yet another no screen day

I started my collection of little spinning tops years ago when my friend Anne sent a little one for my baby son. I never literally looked for them or did specific searches. It is a collection of unexpected finds, which I find is a what a collection should be.

Sometimes we get out the collection and try to make them spin , all of them at the same time. It's weirdly satisfying, and a sweet activity for a no screen day.

You can also use spinning tops for spinning fights, but these are too pretty for that. We need to make tops for fights. It will be a good activity for yet another no screen day.

Je collectionne les petites toupies...C'est une collection de chance, ici et là. Je ne les cherche pas particulièrement , c'est comme les fraises des bois, si tu sais exactement où chercher, ça n'a pas le même gout. Je commence à en avoir une belle boite sur mon bureau. Je les sors quand l'inspiration manque, c'est très utile pour l'inspiration les toupies.