
I'm trying to join my friends in #Inktober on Instagram . It's about making an ink drawing per day. I thought I wouldn't have time. I have 626 illustrations to make and the dishwasher is broken. But I realized that I draw with ink just for fun in my journal, everyday.  I doodle when I am waiting . I doodle when I am thinking (does a table really needs four legs?). I doodle when supervising homework. I wish I could doodle when washing the dishes. 

So I have actually plenty of material for inktober...I sincerely hope that black and white aren't mandatory. I need color to be happy. I think and dream in colors.

Here is my inky thingy today:

Y'a pas à dire, une journée où on a eu le temps de dessiner une poule, c'est une bonne journée.