Shelf for self
When I was working on my book I made a gazillion prototypes- ten times what I do when creating for the blog, because I wanted my models to be uber perfect, more than cute, easy to make and able to be used in several ways. Anyway, I wanted them perfect.
Early prototypes (won't be in the book)
It was quite a challenge, especially if you know that my boy was very eager to get the tiny houses as soon as they were printed. "Is this one for me?" was so very often heard near the printer that I ended printing my models twice when he was around. There's some white models one can color oneself and he was very fond of those too. These little houses are exactly the right size to play with toy cars and plastic animals.
I ended up with tiny houses literally covering every free surface in my studio and threatening the living room where they ended as Christmas decoration.
But Christmas is over, and if I will pack most of the prototypes (ok, some, not most) , I needed something really special for my tiny, precious houses. I don't like making holes in the wall, so I made this very special shelf with balsa wood, wooden knobs and a bit of craft paint (Blicks, Michael's, Martha). It's lighter than a wooden frame, so I used some Command™ hangings, which are my new favorite things in world.
The whole project cost me less than $10...Please tell me in the comments if you are interested in a tutorial!
Quand je travaillais sur mon livre j'ai fait beaucoup de prototypes -dix fois ce que je fais quand je crée pour le blog, car je voulais mes modèles dix fois plus professionnels et malins et jolis, sinon à quoi bon faire un livre? Bref, je suis déjà perfectionniste, mais je me suis surpassée.
Nous avons fini le projet avec deux paniers de maisons : un pour lui et un pour moi, ce dernier avec des maisons parfaites, le sien avec des customisations arbitraires (plus de vert foncé, une porte de garage spéciale, plus de lapins)