Talkative chocolate birds

Which in French would be "bavards oiseaux chocolat",and is pronounced like "bavarois au chocolat", a very sweet chocolate cake. It was one of my dear grand-father favourite charade. I can't believe he died 18 years ago. My memories of him are so vivid. He had a fondness for me because I studied art, and it reminded him of his own student time, a long time ago before the war. I'm hanging in, Bon-Papa, no worries.

Hehe je l'adore celle-la. Elle me rappelle mon grand-pere, comme si c'etait hier, alors que je l'ai vu la dermiere fois il y a dix-huit ans. Je lui rappellais une autre etudiante en art, il y a tres longtemps. Pas de soucis Bon-Papa, j'etudie toujours ;)