Ma maman a moi

My husband sometimes calls me "Science DD". Just like my mom , I remember easily scientific details and information, especially if it's whimsical and ...useless. I remember driving my science teacher crazy because I asked why rabbits have long ears and she coudn't answer. If you really want to know, I think it's part a way to hear predators better, and part a way to cool their blood. Not sure though.

Any way, remembering that kind of things  makes going to the garden a bit more fun. This is something my Maman explained me when I was around eight: umbel inflorescences are flat to help insects landing. I spent numerous hours watching bumblebees landing on Queen Anne's Lace. Frrrt! I think it's one of the coolest things ever.

Ma petite Maman a le chic pour distiller la bonne info au bon moment pour qu'on la retienne- a vie. Elle aurait fait un prof epatant. J'ai gardé ca d'elle - mon mari se moque gentiment en m'appellant "Dédé la Science". Donc quand j'avais huit ans et des robes a smocks, ma petite Maman a moi m'a explique que les pedoncules floraux des ombelliferes etaient tous au meme niveau pour faire un terrain d'atterissage aux insectes maladroits.

J'ai souvent observe  des bourdons maladroits se casser la margoulette dans des matelas de fleurs minuscules. Prouff. Terrib'