
Tampoot : play dough. I think it's a mix between the English and the French word "pate a modeler". My little Bu has reached the age of asking the impossible with confidence. Like "Please make me a bee, an helicopter with a face, and a bird to push it". Happy days, blissfull time : I'm still able to complete, to assume, and to create a whole world for him. A bee? Here it is, and less than a quarter inch. Helicopters and birds were happily played and smashed before I could reach the camera. 


Maman, abeille! J'obtempere, vite, c'est un vrai challenge. Apres un helicoptere avec un visage, un oiseau pour pousser l'helicoptere ( non mais comment vous croyiez que ca marche un helico? Il faut des oiseaux pour pousser), maintenant je dois modeler une abeille. Petit Bu a atteint l'age ou Maman peut tout faire, tout creer, tout reussir.  

Et pour le moment j'y arrive...Une abeille de 7mm? et voila!