Music (can be)cute too


Ⓒdel4yo-Delphine Doreau 2008

I always feel a bit weird when I look at billboard charts. Who is Mr Flo Rida and what is T-Pain?
I'm a bit exaggerating, because for this week I know a few titles OK.

But still. I look around , follow links and buy what I like on itunes, because I'm too busy-lazy to go to the music shop. I have my very own taste, good or bad I don't know, and end up very surprised when an artist I like for months or even years  becomes trendy enough that I'll spot her here and there.

I like to listen to cute , soft music when I work. I'm very fond of Keren Ann and I was sure happy to attend one of her show here in SF.  I discovered  her via Henry Salvador. She made a very cute song for him, I looked for the name of the composer et voila.

Browsing different French blogs I fell in love with Yael Naim music this summer. The clip is really endearing. Looks like I'm not the only one to like her because  one of her songs is now the Apple Mac Book Air advertising song.

But these days I'm completely in love with Cat Power beautiful music. Is it trendy? I don't mind.  I can't wait to be on the 22 to listen to her new album.

I remember reading on Paul Weller's band's drum something like " Fire and skills" (listen to Mr Weller music if you need more than the usual guitar band to spruce up your day)
It's exactly how I like music, the technique being sooo good the artist is able to forget about it and fly, fly...

La traduction en Francais qui tchue ICI en attendant que j'arrive a trouver 5 mn pour l'ecrire moi-meme ( spa gagne) . Ce post, comme dans le bon vieux temps des dedicaces NRJ, est dedie a Alix, huhu.

La photo c'est ce que mon fils voit quand il joue. Je me dis souvent que la premiere fois qu'il rentrera chez quelqu'un de normal avec des murs blancs et un canape beige, ca va lui faire bizarre.

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