bad hair day

I'm cranky. For some reason the internet cable is not really working for a week ( thank you Comcast Ⓡ) Today my email box is a total mess. I can't send anything, and I receveid a second time all my emails since July 2004 (6067 emails+ junk). I went for a little baby shopping and it's just getting worse.

You know I have nothing against cuteness. I love anything cute. I love drawing and collecting cute things. But I'm fed up with baby cuteness. Sometimes it's too chichi, I feel lobotomised after an hour of looking for a bed spread without any teddy bear-cute bunny on it.  I just bought a car seat with a pattern of cows and stars, the cows look stoned, really.
I'm trying my best to find some cool stuff , it's really difficult. I'm overwhelmed with these patterns of sissy bears, sugar rabbits, naive birdies and other stoned tiny tiger. I mean, I like cute. But everywhere? My, let me breath!

So I did this pattern, for a change, as a reaction. It's a fun pattern for toddlers. I'd be happy to turn the Farting Giraffes pattern into a pyjama before my son is 2 so he can wears it and have a good laugh. Now I'm thinking of pooping triceratops, what do you think about it? Could be fun!


Ⓒdel4yo-Delphine Doreau 2007
You can use this seamless pattern for personal use only, thanks.

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