Marabout, bout de ficelle

Is the beginning of a French ditty sang by little girls mostly...It's a play on word, each end of a rime being the begining of the next one : "I'm fed up, up to the gill, gill of a fish, fisherman, mind your own business, nest box, box of chocolate, late at work..." that kind of thing. Another expression I play with in this illustration is "ras le bol", up to the (bowl) trim : "I'm fed up"...The chick should be replaced by bunnies, as Honey Bunny is a bit fed up those days.


This to tell you, I'm not fed up of my blog, not at all, but maybe I'll be less constant with it these days, for I'm exhausted and need a little rest. Take care :)

Je n'en ai pas marre de mon blog, bien au contraire, mais je vais etre moins constante dans le posting et le suivi pour quelques jours. C'est le mois de fevrier meme en Californie, et je suis fatiguee!


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